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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Now is the Woodcock Near the Gin.......Twelfth Night

Twelfth Night is my favorite Seasonal Party date.  The holiday madness is over and you and your friends are a little gloomy.  The dance card is empty, friends are back from trips to sunny places; with no effort your party will be a hit.

For some countries, Twelfth Night is called King's Day and children receive presents in the spirit of the gifts of the Magi.  In France they make a delicious Galette des Rois - a large pastry filled with frangipane, a version of almond paste somewhat like marzipan. When it's served the youngest person at the table gets to assign the slices.  There is a féve, or favor, inside and whoever finds it will be king or queen for the rest of the day, wearing the crown that adorns the cake.
                                                                                                                                                                     For my Twelfth Night party I require that everyone must come as a Wise Man, a Wise Woman or a Wise Ass.  Not surprisingly this leads to insane interpretations.  One of my friends had a surfeit of individual potato chip packages made by Wise (they were always on the plate with his hamburger; he would eat fries instead).  He pinned the packets all over his v-neck sweater and qualified as either a Wise Man or a Wise Ass.  Pinky made herself giant blingy earrings with Golda Meir on one and Albert Einstein on the other.  

Wise Woman

Wise Man

Another friend dressed as a vintage rapper 

Wise Guys

(think Run DMC) in a velour gym ensemble and gold chains.  I think he was being a Wise Ass but he gave me two rap mix tapes called The Hotness and I deemed him a Wise Man.

For this great party theme you get to use left over Christmas cookies, liquor, champagne, very Wise.  And you can make a regifting grab bag with hilarious unwanted seasonal presents.  There are many games based on this idea; tie exchange, Gift musical chairs....this turns into a truly fun party.
And please serve only Wise Potato Chips.

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